Twitter and disability activism: leadership and relevant topics in the online conversation

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Terese Mendiguren Galdospin
Koldobika Meso Ayerdi
Jesús Ángel Pérez Dasilva
María Ganzabal Learreta
Ainara Larrondo Ureta
Simón Peña Fernández


The dissemination and viralization of information on social media has been widely studied from various perspectives, including the digital activism. On the other hand, disability-related activism has conquered the online esphere, thus obtaining a reach that goes beyond the offline space and dialogue. This article analyzes the conversation generated on Twitter taking as a sample all the tweets with the hashtag #disability before and after the International Day of Diabled Persons. More than 18,000 tweets have been analyzed in which there are almost as many mentions, which have been interpreted as the weighted edges of a directed graph with the Gephi software, using the Force Atlas 2 brute force algorithm. The focus has been placed on the conversational communities generated around that hashtag, the main themes and the prominent actors in said conversational communities. It is verified that, although the network of mentions is very dispersed, Twitter is the scene of claims that include certain institutional and political support from the Latin American environment, from entities related to the cause such as Fundación ONCE and, above all, the clear predominance of female activists .


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Mendiguren Galdospin, Terese, Koldobika Meso Ayerdi, Jesús Ángel Pérez Dasilva, María Ganzabal Learreta, Ainara Larrondo Ureta, and Simón Peña Fernández. 2023. “Twitter and Disability Activism: Leadership and Relevant Topics in the Online Conversation”. Journal ICONO 14 21 (2).
Author Biographies

Terese Mendiguren Galdospin, UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAÍS VASCO

Dr Mendiguren is an associate professor in the Department of Journalism at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). She is a member of the Gureiker research group (group A of the Basque university system). She has participated in 18 research projects, being the main investigator in 3 of them. She is co-author of 36 scientific articles, 50 book chapters and more than 80 contributions in national and international conferences. She has 2 six-year periods recognized by the CNEAI. Her lines of research focus on cyberjournalism, social innovation and social networks. She is currently the main investigator of a project (collaboration between the UPV / EHU and the ONCE Foundation) called “University, disability and inclusion. Challenges of training in the field of digital communication”.


Koldobika Meso Ayerdi, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)

Member of the Gureiker Research Group of the Basque University System. He develops his activity, based on a multidisciplinary vision, in theoretical and applied research with transfer value. His main areas of research are digital media, social networks, educational innovation and gender. He has published more than a hundred works in the form of chapters, books and articles in quality academic journals.

Jesús Ángel Pérez Dasilva, Universidad del Páis Vasco (UPV/EHU)

He is a full professor in the Department of Journalism at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). He is a member of the Gureiker research group (group A of the Basque university system). He has participated in 26 research projects, being the principal investigator in 5 of them. He is co-author of 70 scientific articles, 32 book chapters and more than 100 contributions to national and international conferences. He has 3 six-year periods recognised by the CNEAI. His lines of research focus on cyberjournalism, social innovation, design and social networks.

María Ganzabal Learreta, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)

María Ganzabal holds a PhD and has been a professor in the Department of Journalism since 2009.

After working in several Communication Agencies and in the American magazine New Woman (New York) she has taught subjects such as Social and Participatory Journalism and Transmedia Narratives.

Her studies in multiple research teams have always been oriented towards digital journalism, social platforms, participatory journalism, audiences and social issues in addition to those related to gender. Articles on these aspects can be seen published in high impact journals. She is part of the Gureiker research group and is currently Academic Secretary of the Dept. of Journalism.

Ainara Larrondo Ureta, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)

Senior Lecturer of Journalism at the UPV/EHU,  coordinator of the Journalism Degree, and head of the Consolidated Research Group of the Basque University System 'Gureiker' (Type A) since 2016. She has participated in about twenty competitive research projects at regional, state, and international levels and led various educational innovation projects. She is the author of a large number of works in the form of books, papers, and scientific articles in impact journals (JCR, Scopus, FECYT, etc.), linked to her main lines of research, among which journalistic innovation, digital media, communication with a gender perspective and political and organizational communication stand out.

Simón Peña Fernández, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)

Professor at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) since 1999, he has published more than 60 academic articles in national and international journals and has participated in around thirty research projects in competitive calls. His main lines of research are cyberjournalism, social networks and digital communication. He is a member of the consolidated research group Gureiker (IT1496), funded by the Basque Government.


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